at Oxbow Park!
The list of supplies is what you will need for the adventure with Yvonne. She is has many years of experience in teaching. Oxbow is a lovey place to explore the river and the colors of Nature.
Call Caprice if you have any questions or need directions to Oxbow.
Materials for class
1. Sanded pastel paper ( either in a pad , or taped onto a foam core board to work upon.) ~ 8"x10"or 9”x12" are good sizes for field work This is a good choice:
Uart Premium Sanded Pastel Paper - 9"x12" - 10 Sheet Pad - beige-- 400 Grade ( This is about $40 on Amazon)
2. Set of soft pastels; ( I can bring some hard pastels, that students can try)
Winsor & Newton Professional Soft Pastels, Set of 15 ~ about $25 on Amazon ( An inexpensive way to begin!) or: Jack Richeson - Richeson Nature Pastels Signature Landscape Foundation, 44 Piece Set ~ this is about $54 on Amazon
3. Disposable gloves
4. Paper towels
5. A small foam brush
6. Sunscreen, sun hat, clothing for the weather that day, drinking water, a snack
7. A folding chair
8. Optional: A small watercolor set, flat brush, & water to tone the paper