What emotions do different colors evoke in you? Colors interact with our physical, spiritual and emotional being each and every day; the color of the sky, the clothes you choose to wear, the amount of light you feel comfortable working in, and a beautiful sunset are some examples. In this class we will begin by reading poetry that depicts images associated with a variety of colors, then each student will create a watercolor picture that brings to life images of the color they choose.
YELLOW…The bright light of each new day.
Yellow is sunshine, sunshine is happiness.
Sun is warmth, light, and energy,
Energy that enables flowers to bloom,
Grasses to grow, vegetables to bloom then bear fruit,
Sun brings the bees and butterflies to the flowers,
Lights up the bright fluttering leaves on aspen trees,
Yields lemons for lemonade, perfect picnic days,
Golden light and energy so vital to life!